My bathroom is a mess. I can’t find anything!!

Bathrooms can be one quickest places accumulate clutter but also one of the quickest places to solve.  Often the smallest room in the home, it’s key to maximize space and minimize mess.

Working in a bathroom requires sorting, tossing and decision-making.

In this case, a bathroom closet had become overrun and it was becoming increasingly challenging (and frustrating!) to find things.  There were a few baskets in place but everything was jumbled together and the space wasn’t being used most efficiently.


The first step was pulling everything out on to a table and doing a massive triage.  Sorting items into concrete categories, discarding/recycling expired products and identifying overstock.


Next, we created a “rough draft” for a plan for the closet with new categories. I had my clients try this out for a week to see if the categories made sense and were easy to follow.


After their trial period, we made final adjustments, purchased the bins + the risers and added labels.  And here is the final result!
